Taming the G.A.S. (Gadget Acquisition Syndrome): A Photographer’s Journey

May 20, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

As a photographer, I often find myself caught in the whirlwind of the latest technology. The allure of new cameras and lenses is hard to resist. I am not alone in this. Most of us, photographers, are drawn to the shiny new gadgets that promise to enhance our craft. But the question that often nags at me is, “Am I utilizing my camera and gadgets to their full potential?” The honest answer is, “No, I don’t.”

The Allure of New Technology

I see accomplished photographers making the most of their equipment, extracting every bit of functionality and performance from their cameras. It’s inspiring and, at the same time, a bit daunting. I find myself imagining how the newest technology could improve my photography or streamline my workflow. This is not an unfamiliar feeling. When I purchase new computers or cars, I experience the same anticipation of improvement and efficiency.

The Struggle for Balance

However, there is a delicate balance to be struck between wanting something new and using what I already have thoroughly. This balance is often tipped in favor of the former. The excitement of a new gadget often overshadows the potential of the one already in my hands. This imbalance is a manifestation of what is commonly referred to as G.A.S. or Gadget Acquisition Syndrome.

Working on G.A.S.

G.A.S. is not just about the desire for new gadgets; it’s about the belief that these new gadgets will somehow make us better at what we do. But the truth is, a new camera or lens will not make us better photographers. It’s how we use the equipment that determines the quality of our work.

So, I have decided to work on my G.A.S. I am going to focus on understanding and utilizing my current equipment to its fullest before giving in to the temptation of the new. I am going to explore every feature, every setting, every capability of my camera and gadgets. I am going to push their limits and mine.


In the end, it’s not about the camera or the lens; it’s about the photographer. It’s about how we see the world and how we choose to capture it. So, let’s put our G.A.S. in check and focus on honing our skills and our vision. After all, the best camera is the one you have with you. And the best way to improve your photography is to use it to its fullest potential.



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